METTA Student: Criena House

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

We just received a good news from one of the former students of METTA who is now based in New York City. Below is the letter sent to Ana Valdes-Lim, METTA's Artistic Director and her acting coach.

From: Criena House 
Subject: Good news
To: "Ana Lim" 
Date: Tuesday, 24 May, 2011, 2:34 AM

Hi Ms. Ana,

I just wanted to let you know I got in to the Actors Studio Drama School. They let me know right after the audition. I performed Act 2 Scene 2 from The Crucible with a scene partner.

Thank you for your recommendation and helping me prepare for this. Really I couldn't have done it without your guide and teachings throughout the years.

It's a little daunting though, because they're rooted in "the method" and Stanislavsky system. I'm not sure if they'll let us explore other schools of thinking. But I guess it's best for me, because I need to get in touch with my own emotions and experiences as a person (which I somehow escape from).

Anyway, as you've said, I'll observe and absorb. Here's to growth! Thank you again for everything!


Criena House was awarded as one of the Top Ten Outstanding Students in the Philippines, was an active student leader in Assumption, has been a member and president for ACT (Assumption Community Theater), Director for Metamorphoses II, Actor for The Crucible and Broadway Productions, was part of Hairspray and Legally Blonde among other outside shows, and now a student of Actors Studio Drama School, New York. Congratulations, Criena! METTA is proud of you! 

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